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馬敘朝 (1879-1959)



  • Existence: 1879 - 1959

Found in 1 Collection or Record:

馬敘朝 Ma Tsui Chiu, 1875-1961, undated

Scope and Contents 馬敘朝(1878-1959) 是本港傑出的商人及政社界名人,也是其家鄉台山一位具影響力的人物。本檔案彙集了馬敘朝從事商業、社會公職及慈善活動的文檔,以及大量有關其家族及私人文件包括信件、照片及其他雜件等,分成五個系列,涵蓋 1875 年到 1961 年(他去世後約兩年)的時期。The Ma Tsui Chiu Collection consists of textual records related to the activities of Mr. Ma Tsui Chiu (馬敘朝) (1878-1959), a prominent businessman, a political and social celebrity in Hong Kong and an influential person in his home town in Toi Shan, Canton, China. Materials are arranged into five series: Business documents, Community involvement...
Dates: 1875-1961, undated