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張進記 Cheung Tsun Kee, 1846-1959, undated


Scope and Contents

檔案收錄了張進記魚絲莊及其創辦人張進霖 (又名張業良) (1869―1933) 的文檔和物件。張進記是一家批發和零售魚絲的店舖,位於香港蘇杭街72號。從張進霖兒子的記述,可知該店於1889年成立,1983年正式結業。檔案資料分兩部份:商務檔案和非商務檔案,前者是有關該店的商業營運資料,後者則保存了張進霖個人及其家族的資料,涵蓋1846年至1959年的時期。

The Cheung Tsun Kee fonds consists of textual materials and artifacts belonging to Cheung Tsun Kee and its founder, Mr Cheung Tsun Lam (alias Cheung Ip Leung) (1869―1933). Cheung Tsun Kee is a wholesale and retail fishing line shop at 72 Jervois Street, Hong Kong. Based on the narration of Mr Cheung Tsun Lam’s son, the shop was established in 1889 and officially closed in 1983. Materials are now arranged into two series: Business documents and Non-business documents spanning from 1846 to 1959. The former contains materials related to the business activities of the shop and the latter comprises personal materials of Mr Cheung Tsun Lam and his immediate and extended families.


  • 1846-1959, undated


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese


From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
