怡興隆 Yee Hing Loong, 1925-1958, undated
Scope and Contents
怡興隆是一家華人雜貨批發店,位於香港上環摩理信街 (今摩利臣街) 1 號,專接辦安南 (今越南)雜貨水貨進出口生意,貨源來自內地城市如上海,統辦之南北京果雜貨包括香菇、油糖豆麵、瓜子、圓肉、棗、蓮子、杏仁、烏豆、味粉、蕎頭、蝦米、參、翅、墨魚、木耳、陳皮等。
怡興隆於 1927 年由股東集資創設,開業之初,由李澄波擔任總理兼財政員、施耀錫任協理兼司數員 (後施百朋接任)、李熾生主理買賣。駐安南創辦人則有施祝南、鄧藹庭、麥漸逵、鄧蔭庭及李子熾。
檔案涵蓋 1925 至 1958 年的商務資料,其中以 1930 年代和 1940 年代數量最多,現依文件種類分為財務紀錄、商務文件和雜項三部份。
The collection consists of textual materials of Yee Hing Loong, a Chinese wholesale company located at 1 Morrison Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. It was essentially an import-and-export dealer trading grocery stuff and dried seafood between Hong Kong and An Nam (present Vietnam) as well as cities in China such as Shanghai. Goods sold include dried mushrooms, oil, sugar, beans, flour, melon seeds, dried longan, dates, lotus seeds, almonds, black beans, seasoning powder, pickled Chinese onions, dried shrimps, ginseng, shark’s fins, cuttlefish, black fungus, tangerine peel, etc.
Yee Hing Loong started its business in 1927 with funds from shareholders. Lee Ching Poa, Sze Yiu Sek (later Sze Pak Pang) and Lee Chi Sang were Chief Manager and Treasurer, Manager and Chief Accountant, Purchase and Sales In-charge respectively at the time. Sze Chuk Nam, Tang Oi Ting, Mak Chim Kwai, Tang Yam Ting and Lee Tze Chi were founders stationed in An-Nam.
Fonds materials cover the period of 1925 - 1958 with bulks in the 1930s and 1940s. They are arranged according to the type of document into three series: financial document, business document and miscellaneous.
- 1925-1958, undated
Language of Materials
Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese
From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet