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雜項 Miscellaneous, 1918-1955, undated

 Series — Box: 余仁生10

Scope and Contents

雜項資料包括四冊備用賬簿,標題分別為香港余仁生辦庄來往簿 (1950) 、香港余仁生丸庄日清總簿 (1955) 、購貨登記簿 (1956)、賬目索引冊等,此外還有兩張菲林底片和一本題為《每日提信各埠摘要》的裝訂日記本,記錄了1941年左右日本侵略時期進行跨境貨幣兌換和處理匯款事宜所面對的問題,藉以告知各埠或個別代理。

This series contains 4 blank books intended for use as a business transaction book (1950), daily currency exchange book (1955), purchase book (1956) and an accounts index respectively, 2 photographic negatives and a bound book for jotting down daily notes for the information of parties concerned of the problems encountered in cross-border money exchange and handling remittance requests during Japanese invasion period in around 1941.

Box no. Folder no. Item
10 14 廣州十三行79號舖契映片底 (1918)
10 14 廣州市政府土地局不動產登記確定証映片底 (1930);攝影公司收據 (1931);信封
10 17 香港余仁生辦庄來往簿 (1950) (備用本)
10 18 香港余仁生丸庄日清總簿 (1955) (備用本)
10 19 帳目索引冊 (年份不詳) (備用本)
10 15 每日提信各埠摘要 (年份不詳,按內容估算,應為日軍攻陷南方各省,廣州失陷,政局動盪,民不聊生時期。又按末數頁日軍動向「今付上三十年份四鄉代理力全冊乙本」字句,估計本摘要寫於1941年前後)
10 16 余仁生包裝紙;各號匯信數列備用表;空白信紙


  • 1918-1955, undated



From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Sub-Fonds: Multiple languages

Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
