財務紀錄 (年結冊、分類帳部、進支紀錄、銀行結單、銀行/銀號往來文件、匯款收據、股東文件) Financial document (year-end closing book, ledger book, income and expenditure record, bank/ money exchange shop correspondence, remittance receipt, shareholders’ document), 1925-1958, undated
Scope and Contents
財務紀錄涵蓋怡興隆在1925 年至 1958 年間的年結冊、分類帳簿、進支數簿及數列、與銀行及銀號的往來文件和信函、匯款收據和股東文件等。
Contained in this series are financial records of Yee Hing Loong comprising year-end closing books, ledger books, income and expenditure log book/sheets, correspondence with banks and money exchange shops, remittance receipts and shareholders’ document spanning from 1925 to 1958.
- 1925-1958, undated
Language of Materials
From the Collection:
Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese
From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet