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生產計劃 Production schedule, 1939-1965, undated


Scope and Contents


藏品除包括7大冊印件登記簿,記錄了華南印務公司在1950-1954年間的訂單外,另有各號印件原稿立單登記簿,將個別客戶的訂單資料登記在劃一的表格上,釘成小冊子,註明訂貨日期、客戶名稱、產品類型、印刷數量、預計交貨日期、預計成本、客戶的特殊要求等等,部份附有樣辦。現存的小冊子共有309本,登記了 1950-1953年及1957年的訂單。此外還有定戶印件用紙墨料及做價表,記錄個別訂單的成本價、紙張和墨的消耗量等,按月份裝釘起來,以1953、1955 和 1956 年計算,約有 1,500 張。其他如印件登記總表、員工生產表、印件數及成本一覽表、印件報價列、付叻貨登記簿等,均保存在檔案內。

生產記錄亦包括華南印務公司為客戶量身定製的印件設計圖和大量貨辦,包括各類印刷紙、廣告海報、招紙、日曆、包裝盒、包裝紙、紙袋、傳單、賀卡、邀請卡、學生筆記簿、證書、銀行支票、發票、地圖等,計有大小廣告招 600 多張及超過 120 款包裝盒樣本。客戶的要求通常標註在貨辦的背面或旁邊,有些以信函的形式提出,並就所涉及的費用進行談判 (可參考華南印務公司商務函件部份),文檔中還可以找到公司在印刷階段對員工發出的書面指示。在眾多客戶來辦中,有一件是馬來亞一商號寄給華南印務的鐵製商標凸版,供報價之用。

This sub-series contains order registry, production plans, production summary sheets, stock records of paper and ink, quotations, specifications, product design drafts, samples and so on for the printing orders received by Wah Nam Printing Co. chiefly in the 1950s.

There are 7 order books for the years 1950-1954. Order registry for individual customers is kept in the form of booklet using standard order forms stating the date, customer name, product type, quantity wanted, expected delivery date, estimated cost, customer’s special requirements etc. and some have samples attached. A total of 309 such booklets are found in the collection for the years 1950-1953 and 1957. Besides, there are batches of standard record sheets specifying paper and ink consumption and price quote for individual order. They are stapled together by month and so far some 1,500 sheets are available for the years 1953, 1955 and 1956. Other records like production summary sheets, production plans cost breakdown, quotation, record on goods shipped to Singapore office etc. are also kept in this collection.

Also included in this sub-series are design drawings customized to specifications and a large amount of pre-production samples. These samples include printing papers, advertisement poster, logo, label, calendar, packaging box, paper bag, wrapping paper, leaflet, greeting/invitation card, student notebook, certificate, bank cheque, invoice, map, etc. More than 600 label samples and 120 packaging box samples of different sizes are available in this collection. Customers’ requirements are often marked at the back of the samples or on the side. Some are put in letters with negotiations on the costs involved [reference can be made to Sub-series (e) Business-related correspondence]. Company’s guidelines to workers at the pre-printing stage are also found in the materials. Among the samples there is an artifact: ( a brass embossed stamp for printing trade mark letterhead of a commercial firm in Malaya ) for quotation purpose.


  • 1939-1965, undated



From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Sub-Fonds: Multiple languages

Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
