私人信件、什件 Personal letters and materials, 1938-1965, undated
Scope and Contents
這部份收藏了黃世河的私人信件、文稿和請柬。信件方面,計自1930年代至 1960 年代初,從中國內地、東南亞、美國及本港寄來的信件共有180多張,而1950年代黃世河寫給親友的信則有30多張,都是草稿。除書信外,文件中還有不少黃世河的手稿,包括演講詞、撰文、獻詞、序文、祭文、輓聯和詩詞等,大多沒有註明日期,估計是1950-1960年間寫成,共約50張。此外,藏品中有320張是黃世河子女結婚時剩餘的請柬和謝帖,及其他宴客請柬共10 張。
Materials in this sub-series include and invitation cards. There are more than 180 letters sent to Wong Sai Ho from family members, friends and relatives in China, Southeast Asia, US and Hong Kong mostly in the periods 1930s to early 1960s. Some 30 letters, written in the 1950s by Wong Sai Ho to relatives and friends, are also kept in this collection. They are draft copies written on loose sheets. Besides letters, there are some 50 draft speeches, congratulatory address, foreword, eulogy, poem etc. composed by Wong Sai Ho in the 1950s. Most of them are not dated. Also contained in this collection are 320 spare invitation cards and thank-you cards for the occasions of his daughter’s and two sons' weddings plus 10 other cards inviting friends to dinners hosted by Wong Sai Ho.
- 1938-1965, undated
- From the Sub-Fonds: 黃世河 (Person)
From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Sub-Fonds: Multiple languages