Box 余仁生9
Contains 5 Results:
賬簿、存支數簿、匯票紀錄、核數師報告、對賬單、資產負債表、營業損益表、付款憑單、支票簿、入賬簿等 Account book, income and expenses record, remittance book, auditor’s report, account statement, balance sheet, profit & loss accounts, payment vouchers, cheque book, pay-in book etc., 1940-1969, undated
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
Box no.
Folder no.
1 1 ...
1940-1969, undated
稅項評估及收據 Tax assessment and receipts, 1925-1941
Sub-Series — Box: 余仁生9
Scope and Contents
余仁生收據中有相當數量來自戰前繳納的稅項。稅款由1925 年至1938 年間廣州市政府以不同名目徵收,用以資助地方政府在警隊經費、警餉費、服裝費、軍費、消防、防空、築路、貧民教養、認銷金融庫券及其他開支。資料也包括1940及1941年日戰期間香港政府評估營業溢利稅的文件,以及余仁生與戰時特稅局的往來函件。此外還有余仁生繳納成藥稅的收據 (1956,1958)。Among the receipts kept by Eu Yan Sang, a considerable amount arises from pre-war tax items. These taxes are imposed by the then city government of Canton from 1925 to 1938 under different tax names primarily used to fund local government’s expenses on police food and uniform, military...
交易記錄 Trading record, 1915-1959, undated
Sub-Series — Box: 余仁生9
Scope and Contents
這部份資料包括各號來往簿共三冊(1915,1922,1928)、發貨單及收據(1948)約75 張、貨物轉移通知單118張、存貨簿兩冊,以及一疊共117 張資料清單,列出製造余仁生各行銷藥品所需的成份、用量和價格等 (1959)。This subseries contains three business transaction books (1915, 1922, 1928), some 75 invoices and receipts, 118 goods transfer notices, 2 inventory books and a pile of 117 information sheets listing out the ingredients and quantity required in the making of the firm’s unique medicine medicinal products with sale price for each item at the time...
1915-1959, undated
法律文件: 執照、許可證、保險單 Legal papers: licence, permit, insurance policy, 1938-1958, undated
Sub-Series — Box: 余仁生9
Scope and Contents
法律文件包括香港政府工商署於 1956 和 1957 年簽發給余仁生的生產商牌照和貨倉牌照、 1957和1958年余仁生 (香港)運貨往馬來亞/新加坡時的各類批文包括評稅及搬貨許可證、貨品進口聲明書、貨物出口許可證等,以及七份1951年的貨運保險單。Legal papers include Manufacturer’s Licence and Warehouse Licence issued by the Director of Commerce and Industry to Eu Yan Sang in 1956 and 1957, applications for duty assessment and permits for import and export goods shipped between Hong Kong and Malaya/Singapore in 1957 and 1958 and 7 copies of shipping insurance policy of 1951....
1938-1958, undated
會議紀錄 Minutes, 1955
Series — Box: 余仁生9
Scope and Contents
本部份紀錄了 1955 年 6 月 2 日余仁生(香港)有限公司第一次董事會議的草稿和謄本會議記錄。This series contains the draft and fair copies of the minutes of the first meeting of the directors of Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Limited on 2 June 1955.