Box 怡興隆3
Contains 2 Results:
信件、電報、通告/啟事 Letter, telegram, notice and announcement , 1927-1954
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
商務文件包括1927-1954 年間商業夥伴、供應商、代理商和客戶寄來的大量信件,合計 2,350 多張,有些用繩子裝訂成冊,有些寫在袖珍本子裡,更有寫在白棉布上,這類帛書共有 40 張,是 1939-1941 年間西貢新公生隨貨運寄來的。帶信頭的信紙皆為商務信,其餘歸入私人信件內,共有 221 張。除信件外,還有1937、1940及1941年致怡興隆的電報,共175張。
文檔還包括怡興隆在1939-1941、1946、1947和 1951 年致各商號的信稿、留底信和電報。此外還有各號的貨價單、通告和啟事等,主要是 1930 年代的文件。This subseries contains a large quantity of letters spanning from 1927 to 1954. They are from business partners, suppliers, agents and clients amounting to more than 2,350 sheets. Some were string-bound and...
雜項 Miscellaneous, 1935-1949, undated
Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
雜類文件共13項,包括時任怡興隆協理兼司數員施百朋的私人物品,以及致怡興隆的義會規條、怡興隆發貨單樣本、致股東票據樣本、貨運清單、中藥處方等,都是1930 年代和 1940 年代的文件。This series comprises 13 miscellaneous items. Some are personal items belonging to Sze Pak Pang (施百朋), the manager and chief accountant of Yee Hing Loong. Others include Yee Hing Loong’s copy of chit-fund handbook, sample of the company’s invoice and receipt, a shipping list, a Chinese medicine prescription etc. in the 1930s and 1940s.
1935-1949, undated