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銀行/銀號往來文件 Correspondence with bank/ money exchange shop , 1932-1941, undated


Scope and Contents

這部份的財務記錄包含怡興隆1932-1941 年間的銀行對帳單,及與銀行和銀號的來往文件包括 1933-1941 年間的信件、支票存根、入數存底簿、匯款收據等。

This series consists of bank statements for the years 1932 - 1941 and correspondence with banks and money exchange shops including letters, cheque book, pay-in slips and remittance receipts covering the period 1933-1941.


  • 1932-1941, undated

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese


From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
