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其他收據 (稅項、公用設施收費) Other receipts (tax payment, public utility charges) , 1932-1952, undated

 Sub-Series — Box: 怡興隆2

Scope and Contents


Apart from business invoices and receipts, there is a collection of payment bills and receipts in respect of tax items such as crown rent, property tax and rates and public utility charges like water, power supply, telephone for the years 1932-1941 and 1946-1952.

Box no. Folder no. Item
2 2 電話單/收據 (1932,1935,1936,1938-1940)
2 2 電費單/收據 (1932,1934,1936,1938-1941,年份不詳)
2 2 水費單/收據 (1933,1935,1936,1938-1940) ; 水務署停供用水通告 (1939)
2 2 差餉單/收據 (1933-1936,1938-1940,1946,1947,1949,1950,1952) 香港估價官署估定租值通告 (1936,1939)
2 2 地稅單/收據 (1935,1939,1940,1946,1950)
2 2 戰時物業稅單/收據 (1940)


  • 1932-1952, undated

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese


From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
