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信件 Letters, 1913-1942, undated

 Sub-Series — Box: 廣生行2

Scope and Contents

本部份包括廣生行於1913年有關貨運保險賠償的信件、1913及1920年向銀行申請增加物業按揭額的信件、會議邀請信 (1942) 、2張信件及一些信封等。

This subseries contains letters regarding an insurance claim made by Kwong Sang Hong in 1913, Kwong Sang Hong’s request for mortgage increase from bank in 1913 and 1920; invitation to meeting (1942); and a couple of letters and envelopes.

Box no. Folder no. Item
2 6 致廣生行信件有關貨運保險賠償事 (1913)
2 6 廣生行與銀行信件有關申請增加物業按揭額 (1913,1920)
2 6 致馮福田信件邀出席會議 (1942,年份不詳)
2 6 其他信件 (1938,年份不詳),信封 (1922,1925,1928,年份不詳),郵票


  • 1913-1942, undated


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese


From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
