Box 廣生行2
Contains 4 Results:
發貨單及收據 Invoices and receipts (grouped by type), 1913-1950
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
這部份收錄了超過1,800張從1913年至1950年間的發票和收據,包括採購生產香水及其他產品的原材料、香水瓶、包裝材料如鐵盒木箱、印刷、石印紙、廣告、貨運、海關、稅項、公用服務、倉庫租金、膳食、消耗品,及其他雜項收據等。這些發票和收據按類別及時序先後排列,是了解廣生行日常開支的一手資料。Contained in this subseries is a large quantity of over 1,800 invoices and receipts spanning from 1913 to 1950. They provide primary information of the day-to-day expenses of Kwong Sang Hong on acquiring raw materials for the manufacturing of perfumes and other products in its own factory; on packaging materials like glassy bottles and...
契約及協議, 政府批文, 商標註冊証, 保險單, 借據 Contracts, trademark certificates, letters of guarantee, official document, insurance papers, money lending slip , 1908-1944
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
契約文件包括廣生行與外地銷售代理所簽訂的合約、土地樓舖買賣租賃契據,及1910年至1935年間官方簽發給廣生行的商標註冊證、商標登錄證及批文等的原件。這批共39張的證書,每張代表廣生行個別產品的商標及標誌已取得專利,以防止被仿冒。此外,文件亦包含分行一宗訟案的法院判決書、代銷貨擔保書、驗貨證明文件、保險單和收據、借據等。檔案保存了廣生行一本厚厚的自製相片冊,內容包括廣生行各類產品、商標圖樣、商業執照、證書、獎狀、賀幅、各省縣警誡商標影射售偽貨公告、產品化驗報告、廣告、廣生行店舖、工場、生產流程等的相片複本,涵蓋1909-1926年的時期。This subseries contains a variety of legal documents including contracts signed between Kwong Sang Hong and its sales agents outside Hong Kong, contracts for the sales of land and properties, tenancy agreements,...
信件 Letters, 1913-1942, undated
Sub-Series — Box: 廣生行2
Scope and Contents
本部份包括廣生行於1913年有關貨運保險賠償的信件、1913及1920年向銀行申請增加物業按揭額的信件、會議邀請信 (1942) 、2張信件及一些信封等。This subseries contains letters regarding an insurance claim made by Kwong Sang Hong in 1913, Kwong Sang Hong’s request for mortgage increase from bank in 1913 and 1920; invitation to meeting (1942); and a couple of letters and envelopes.
1913-1942, undated
雜項 Miscellaneous , 1927,1940, undated
Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
雜項包括一張致華洋各商有關商標註冊期限的通告 (1927)、廣生行自用物業清單一張 (1940);明信片一張(年份不詳),以及廣生行「豔髮香膠」商標貼紙。This series contains miscellaneous items including a notice to Chinese and foreign merchants about the deadline for trademark registration (1927), a list of Kwong Sang Hong’s self-occupied properties (1940); a dateless postcard; and a few logo stickers of the firm’s hairstyling product.
1927,1940, undated