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銀行往來函件 (銀行記錄、匯款記錄、銀行收據) Correspondence with banks (banking records, remittance records, bank receipt) , 1937-1947, undated

 Sub-Series — Box: 廣生行1

Scope and Contents


Bank correspondence includes pay-in slips, bank statements, interest notice, remittance receipts, time deposit receipts, and correspondence with banks from 1937 to 1947.

Box no. Folder no. Item
1 3 銀行入帳單 (渣打寶源銀行、東亞銀行、交通銀行) (1937,1940,1941)
1 3 銀行半年/季度結帳通知單 (中國銀行、益發銀行) (1939,1941)
1 3 銀行利息通知單 (滿洲興業銀行、渣打銀行.交通銀行) (1939,1940,年份不詳)
1 3 東亞銀行保管箱收據 (1939,1942)
1 3 定期存款單及與銀行之來往信件 (1941,1942)
1 3 匯款收據 (1938-1940,1942,1943,1945)
1 3 兌換單 (1937,1940,1947,年份不詳)


  • 1937-1947, undated


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese


From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
