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Box 廣生行1


Contains 4 Results:

會計記錄 : 年結數列、進支紀錄、按揭紀錄、各客貯銀存支紀錄、代沽貨客佣銀收據 Accounting record : year-end statement, money transfer record, mortgage record, clients’ deposit and interest record; commission receipts , 1922-1944

 Sub-Series — Box: 廣生行1
Scope and Contents 會計記錄涵蓋1922-1944年間的財務文件,包括紀錄支行與總行賬項來往的支行便條、代沽貨客佣銀通知單及收據、戰務損失數列等。除經營香水化妝品生意外,廣生行亦為業務夥伴及客戶提供銀行服務,檔案保存了廣生行致客存款收單、各客息銀收據、揭項息銀收據等。This subseries contains the accounting record of Kwong Sang Hong in the period 1922-1944. Materials include record of money transfers between head office and branch stores shown by the stores’ memos, record of commissions to sales agents, report of business loss due to war, etc. Besides running its perfume and cosmetics business, Kwong Sang Hong also...
Dates: 1922-1944

銀行往來函件 (銀行記錄、匯款記錄、銀行收據) Correspondence with banks (banking records, remittance records, bank receipt) , 1937-1947, undated

 Sub-Series — Box: 廣生行1
Scope and Contents 銀行函件包括1937-1947年間的銀行入賬單、結賬通知單、利息通知單、匯款收據、定期存款收據,及廣生行與銀行的來往信件等。Bank correspondence includes pay-in slips, bank statements, interest notice, remittance receipts, time deposit receipts, and correspondence with banks from 1937 to 1947. ...
Dates: 1937-1947, undated

股東名單、股息收據、股份轉讓及佣銀紀錄 Shareholder list, dividend receipts, share transfer and commission , 1933-1944, undated

 Sub-Series — Box: 廣生行1
Scope and Contents 文件包括216張廣生行股東的股息收據 (1933)、5張廣生行代讓及代沽股份佣銀收據 (1943,1944),及股東名單一份 (1944)。Contained in this subseries are 216 dividend receipts from Kwong Sang Hong shareholders (1933), 5 receipts of share transfers and commission (1943, 1944), and a shareholder list (1944). ...
Dates: 1933-1944, undated

發貨單及收據 Invoices and receipts (grouped by type), 1913-1950

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 這部份收錄了超過1,800張從1913年至1950年間的發票和收據,包括採購生產香水及其他產品的原材料、香水瓶、包裝材料如鐵盒木箱、印刷、石印紙、廣告、貨運、海關、稅項、公用服務、倉庫租金、膳食、消耗品,及其他雜項收據等。這些發票和收據按類別及時序先後排列,是了解廣生行日常開支的一手資料。Contained in this subseries is a large quantity of over 1,800 invoices and receipts spanning from 1913 to 1950. They provide primary information of the day-to-day expenses of Kwong Sang Hong on acquiring raw materials for the manufacturing of perfumes and other products in its own factory; on packaging materials like glassy bottles and...
Dates: 1913-1950