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財務檔案 (年結冊、進支紀錄、交銀部、各客貯銀收據、揭息及來往數列等) Financial record (year-end account book, income and expense log book, payment book, deposit receipt, mortgage and money transaction record, etc. , 1929-1941, undated

 Series — Box: 永成糖局1

Scope and Contents

永成糖局的財務檔案,包含 1929年 至 1941 年間各類商務紀錄,有裝訂成冊,也有散張,包括年結簿3冊 (1929,1930,年份不詳)、進支簿3冊 (1929-1932)、交銀部3冊 (1934-1941),及15 張記錄港庄與各商號、津庄及江門煉糖廠的來往數列 (1935-1937)。永成糖局除經營糖業外,也為顧客提供貯銀和按揭服務,文檔中有10張貯銀收據 (1932-1936,1941) 和一張致客揭息結數列 (1933-1936)。

Contained in this series are financial records of Wing Shing Co. which are either bound or in loose sheets for the period 1929-1941. There are 3 year-end account books (1929, 1930, undated), 3 income and expenses log books (1929-1932), 3 payment books (1934-1941) and 15 record sheets (1935-1937) showing the business transactions between its Hong Kong store and customer firms, Tientsin store and sugar refinery in Chiangmen. Apart from doing sugar business, Wing Shing Co. also offered cash savings and mortgage services to customers evidenced by the 10 deposit receipts (1932-1936, 1941) and a mortgage statement (1933-1936) available in this series.

Box no. Folder no. Item
1 1 進支存欠年結部 (1929,1930)
1 2-4 進支存欠結冊手稿 (年份不詳)
1 5 進支部 (1929,1930,1932)
1 5 置本總部 (1934)
1 5 致永成天津庄發貨單 (1934)
1 5 各客貯銀收據 (1932-1936,1941)
1 5 永成糖局津庄致粵慶西揭息結數列 (1933-1936)
1 6 永成糖局天津庄各行結單部 (1934)
1 7 永成糖局天津庄交銀部 (1934,1935-1936,1937-1941)
1 8 永成津庄致江門煉糖廠來往結列 (1935)
1 8 永成致各號來往數列 (1936)
1 8 永成津庄致港庄來往數列 (1937)


  • 1929-1941, undated

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese


From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
