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其他收據 (稅項、租金、公用設施) Other bills and receipts (tax, rent and public utilities), 1932-1943

 Sub-Series — Box: 張進記2

Scope and Contents

其他收據包括蘇杭街舖及兩個存貨倉庫的租金收據 (1932,1938,1940,1941,1943) 共20張,及約 290 張稅項和公用設施的繳費單和收據,包括地稅、物業稅、差餉、清糞費、水費、電話費及郵局收據 (1940,1941)。

This sub-series contains 20 rental receipts for the shop premises at Jervois Street as well as for the two warehouses for storing goods (1932, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1943). There are a total of some 290 demand notes and receipts for payment of crown rent, property tax, rates, conservancy fee and other public utility charges such as water, telephone and postal service (1940, 1941).

Box no. Folder no. Item
2 5 張進記蘇杭街 (乍畏街)舖租單收據 (1932,1938,1941,1943)
2 5 永安二號貨倉租金收據/結單 (1940);廣昌和倉租結單 (1941)
2 5 郵局收據 (1938)
2 5 水費單/收據 (1940,1941)
2 6 差餉單/收據 (1940,1941)
2 7 戰時物業稅單/收據 (1940,1941)
2 7 地稅單/收據 (1940,1941)
2 7 清糞費單/收據 (1941)
2 7 電話單 (1941)


  • 1932-1943



From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
