Box 張進記2
Contains 4 Results:
交易紀錄 (發貨單及收據、訂貨紀錄、取貨紀錄、報價單) Trading record (invoices and receipts, goods purchase record, pick-up record) , 1930-1942, undated
Sub-Series — Box: 張進記2
Scope and Contents
交易檔案包括1930 年代中至 1940 年代初各號致張進記的發貨單和收據,共約 100 張,另有23張船運提貨通知單 (1931) 、張進記致客戶的發貨單和收據6張 (1940,1941,年份不詳) 、 4 張訂貨單 (1938,年份不詳),和兩本客戶取貨簿 (1938,1939)。This sub-series contains about 100 invoices and receipts issued to Cheung Tsun Kee by suppliers of goods and services from mid 1930s to early 1940s. Also available are 23 pick-up notices for shipped goods, 6 invoices and receipts issued by Cheung Tsun Kee to buyers customer firms (1940, 1941), 4 goods order sheets (1938, undated) and two...
1930-1942, undated
其他收據 (稅項、租金、公用設施) Other bills and receipts (tax, rent and public utilities), 1932-1943
Sub-Series — Box: 張進記2
Scope and Contents
其他收據包括蘇杭街舖及兩個存貨倉庫的租金收據 (1932,1938,1940,1941,1943) 共20張,及約 290 張稅項和公用設施的繳費單和收據,包括地稅、物業稅、差餉、清糞費、水費、電話費及郵局收據 (1940,1941)。This sub-series contains 20 rental receipts for the shop premises at Jervois Street as well as for the two warehouses for storing goods (1932, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1943). There are a total of some 290 demand notes and receipts for payment of crown rent, property tax, rates, conservancy fee and other public utility charges such as water, telephone and postal service...
契約文件、執照等 Contractual papers, license, etc., 1907-1951
File — Box: 張進記2
Scope and Contents
資料包括張進記蘇杭街舖之屋冊執照 (1907)、無線電收音執照 (1941)、神戶委任狀 (1943)、蘇杭街張進記舖餘下地段的買賣契據 (1951)等。This sub-series includes contractual papers and licence such as Householder's Certificate of Registration of Cheung Tsun Kee at Jervois Street (1907), Broadcast Receiving Licence (1941), authorization letter from Kobe, Japan (1943), purchase and sales contract of the remaining lot of the Jervois Street premises (1951), etc.
信件、電報 Letters and telegrams, 1924-1945, undated
File — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
檔案保存了1924-1945年間張進記魚絲莊與日本神戶商號的大量來往信件和電報,信件當時按商號名字依時序裝訂成冊。資料中也保存了張進記致香港戰時稅局的一封信,澄清一些帳目資料 (1941)。There is a large collection of letters and telegrams between Cheung Tsun Kee and its customer firms in Kobe, Japan in the period 1924-1945. These letters were bound in books by company name and in chronological order at the time. Also kept in the materials is a letter Cheung Tsun Kee sent to the War Taxation Department of Hong Kong to clarify some account issues...
1924-1945, undated