信件、電報 Letters and telegrams, 1924-1945, undated
File — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
檔案保存了1924-1945年間張進記魚絲莊與日本神戶商號的大量來往信件和電報,信件當時按商號名字依時序裝訂成冊。資料中也保存了張進記致香港戰時稅局的一封信,澄清一些帳目資料 (1941)。
There is a large collection of letters and telegrams between Cheung Tsun Kee and its customer firms in Kobe, Japan in the period 1924-1945. These letters were bound in books by company name and in chronological order at the time. Also kept in the materials is a letter Cheung Tsun Kee sent to the War Taxation Department of Hong Kong to clarify some account issues (1941).
Box no. | Folder no. | Item |
2 | 9 | 神戶本號來往電暫錄 (1924-1927) |
2 | 9 | 神戶本號來往電錄 (年份不詳, 約1920年代) |
2 | 9 | 神戶成興公司來往電報部 (1931) |
2 | 10 | 神戶長發公司電報掛號 (年份不詳) |
2 | 10 | 致張進記電報 (1930-1933,1941) |
2 | 11-17 | 各號致張進記信件 (1930-1933,1937-1943,1945,年份不詳) |
3 | 1-7, 19 | 張進記覆商戶留底信 (1931-1933,1935,1937,1938,1940,1941) |
3 | 7 | 張進記致戰時稅局留底信 (1941) |
- 1924-1945, undated
- From the Sub-Fonds: 張進霖 (1869-1933) (Person)
From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet
Language of Materials