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Box 張進記3


Contains 6 Results:

信件、電報 Letters and telegrams, 1924-1945, undated

 File — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 檔案保存了1924-1945年間張進記魚絲莊與日本神戶商號的大量來往信件和電報,信件當時按商號名字依時序裝訂成冊。資料中也保存了張進記致香港戰時稅局的一封信,澄清一些帳目資料 (1941)。There is a large collection of letters and telegrams between Cheung Tsun Kee and its customer firms in Kobe, Japan in the period 1924-1945. These letters were bound in books by company name and in chronological order at the time. Also kept in the materials is a letter Cheung Tsun Kee sent to the War Taxation Department of Hong Kong to clarify some account issues...
Dates: 1924-1945, undated

雜項 Miscellaneous, 1931-1933, undated

 Sub-Series — Box: 張進記3
Scope and Contents 雜項主要包括一本裝整進口魚絲記錄簿 (1931)、一本客戶地址簿、21張名片、一扎魚絲樣本、一張濕貨濕魚絲數列及價值表等。Miscellaneous includes a record book of treated import fishing lines (1931), an address book, 21 business cards, a fishing line sample, a list of wet fishing lines and other goods items with quantities and estimated costs. ...
Dates: 1931-1933, undated

同業公會 Guild, 1914, 1937

 File — Box: 張進記3
Scope and Contents 張進霖是魚絲同業公會的活躍成員,他的公會基本金簿、行規章程等文件 (1914,1937),均可在資料中找到。Cheung Tsun Lam was an active member of an association formed by merchants in the fishing line trade. His copy of the association’s passbook, rules and regulations, etc. (1914, 1937) are available in the Collection. ...
Dates: 1914, 1937

銀會 Chit-fund, 1895-1954

 File — Box: 張進記3
Scope and Contents 張進霖多年來一直是九個銀會的會員,這些銀會是由其家鄉南海縣大範鄉的親友基於鄉人相濟或防盜衛鄉的宗旨而組成的,最早的一個成立於1895年,這裡保存了 張進霖20 冊附有會規的銀會簿 (1895-1935)。文件中有一張是張進霖兒子張秉彝所屬義會的會規及會友列 (1954)。For many years Cheung Tsun Lam had been member of 9 chit-funds the earliest of which was set up in 1895. They were organized by relatives and friends in his hometown in Tai Fan Village, Nanhai County for mutual aid or village defense purpose. Contained in this subseries are 20 different chit-fund handbooks with Fund rules issued by these...
Dates: 1895-1954

股東文件 Shareholder documents, 1920-1959, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 檔案保存了張進霖本人及張志業堂所擁有的大量股東文件,包括自1920至1959年間共15家公司的股東合約、招股簡章、年報、股票、股息摺、信件、通告等。資料依公司名稱(如西安押、公益火柴廠、百福堂、南京織造有限公司、南華宴梳有限公司、馬寶山糖菓餅乾公司、張超記食品號等)及年份順序排列。The Cheung Tsun Lam archive consists of a large quantity of shareholder documents owned by Cheung Tsun Lam himself as well as his ancestral hall. There are shareholder agreement, annual report, share certificate, dividend record book, correspondence, notices, etc. of a total of 15 companies from 1920 up to 1959. Materials are arranged...
Dates: 1920-1959, undated

結義會 Brotherhood association

 File — Box: 張進記3
Scope and Contents 參與一個名為六益社的結義會。Contained in this subseries is a handbook showing Cheung Tsun Lam’s involvement in a brotherhood association. Box no. Folder...
Dates: 1895-1954, undated