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家族文件、訴訟文件、禮俗 Family documents, disputes documents, family etiquette, 1875-1944, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers

Scope and Contents

馬敘朝私人檔案中有算命書、先祖生卒資料冊、馬敘朝家譜、嫁娶婚書、迎親帖、墓穴圖則等與禮俗、傳統和信仰相關的文檔,也包括馬氏族人在家鄉台山一些訟案文件 (1904,1905)。此外,檔案中有27張用墨書寫昌華有限公司、昌華置業按揭有限公司以及墓旁石碑字樣的紅紙或國畫紙,原件捲起,也有一字一張,估計是分別為昌華有限公司製作銅字招牌及鑿碑之用。

This subseries comprises documents featuring the etiquette, traditions and beliefs of the Ma family such as fortune-telling reports, genealogy, marriage papers, sketched plan of graveyard and many others. There are records of the family’s lawsuit case and clan disputes in Ma’s native town in Toi Shan as early as in 1904. Also available here is a collection of original Chinese calligraphy pieces written with brush and ink on red paper or Chinese painting paper totaling 27 pieces of different sizes kept in scrolls. Written on the pieces are word samples for making brass signage of Cheong Wah Company Ltd. and for an ancestral gravestone.

Box no. Folder no. Item
7 8 算命書 (同治十三年,1875)
7 8 馬敍舜、馬敍廩等糾匪劫搶同族海外匯款毆傷人案供詞稿 (1904);章駕祖祠重修,族人馬錦倫涉毀祠傷人案眾涉案者呈結付衙審理及相關信件 (1904-1905)
7 8 章駕太祖訟事來往信稿 (1904)
Oversize 5 5.5 馬敘朝二女出閣請帖手稿、鸞箋、迎書、迎親儀目, 親友名單 (1924)
7 9 馬述昌堂與鄧福善堂訟案文件及判決
7 9 馬章駕祖祠招報新神主簿 (1937)
7 9 馬敍朝代執族人遺產分配立據 (1938)
7 9 拆卸必列者士街7,9,11,13號家屋合約 (1944)
7 9 有關馬敍朝住宅噪音投訴之法庭傳票
7 10 相命,批命書 (年份不詳,已知1910)
卷軸三:「瓊材祖 馬山后土」墨蹟
卷軸七:「昌華有限公司置業按揭匯兌」墨蹟, 做銅招牌用
7 11 吉期迎親帖 (年份不詳)
7 11 馬敘朝娶媳婚禮前三日致親家書 (年份不詳)
7 11 馬敘朝各先祖生卒年月日時考 (1657-1919)
7 11 馬敘朝及子女出生年月日時、配室出生/ 卒年月日時列 (1878-1921)


  • 1875-1944, undated


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese


From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet