Box 馬敘朝7
Contains 5 Results:
公務信件、電報、會議紀錄、通告 Business-related correspondence, telegrams, notes of meetings, notices, 1925-1959, undated
Sub-Series — Box: 馬敘朝7
Scope and Contents
藏品中有馬敘朝於1925年至1959年間的公務函件,包括與商業和社區事務有關的信件、電報及政府公函。大約一半的信件來自馬敘朝持有股份的商業機構、香港政府部門以及廣東縣市的官員。其他則來自社區及慈善機構、學校及個別人士,包括時任香港總督葛量洪爵士、社團及社會名流於1949年祝賀馬敘朝獲頒榮譽勳章的信件。除信件外,還有請柬和賀卡。There is a collection of official correspondence of Ma Tsui Chiu between 1925 and 1959 consisting of business- and community-related letters, telegram, government letters etc. About half of the letters were from business companies of which Ma Tsui Chiu was a shareholder, from government departments of Hong Kong and...
1925-1959, undated
發票及收據 Invoices and receipts, 1918-1960, undated
Sub-Series — Box: 馬敘朝7
Scope and Contents
檔案包括大量發票和收據,來自馬敘朝的業務開支、稅項、公用事業收費、向社團組織、慈善機構和學校等的捐款、建築及維修工程、個人用品、餐飲、醫藥及其他雜項消費等,分成22類,分別依年份順序排列,涵蓋1918年至1960年,共約1,470 張。This series contains a collection of about 1,470 invoices and receipts relating to Ma Tsui Chiu’s business expenditure, tax payment, public utilities expenses, donations to community organizations, charities and schools, construction and repair works, personal expenses on goods, food, medical services and more. They are classified into 22 types and arranged in...
1918-1960, undated
捐款函件、捐款收據、會費收據、聚餐收據 Donation correspondence and receipts, membership fee receipts, event receipts , 1921-1958, undated
Sub-Series — Box: 馬敘朝7
Scope and Contents
這部份檔案包括馬敘朝在 1920 年代至 1950 年代捐款給社團及慈善機構的來往信件和大批收據,包括賣旗日和救災捐款。受捐助者包括商會、慈善及非牟利機構、醫院及醫療機構、學校、孤兒院、寺院等。Available here is a collection of correspondence and receipts pertaining to regular donations Ma Tsui Chiu made to a wide variety of organizations, on flag days and for disaster relief, in the period from 1920s to 1950s. Receivers of such donations include business association, non-profit-making and charitable bodies, hospitals and medical institutions, schools, orphanage, monastery...
1921-1958, undated
家族文件、訴訟文件、禮俗 Family documents, disputes documents, family etiquette, 1875-1944, undated
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
馬敘朝私人檔案中有算命書、先祖生卒資料冊、馬敘朝家譜、嫁娶婚書、迎親帖、墓穴圖則等與禮俗、傳統和信仰相關的文檔,也包括馬氏族人在家鄉台山一些訟案文件 (1904,1905)。此外,檔案中有27張用墨書寫昌華有限公司、昌華置業按揭有限公司以及墓旁石碑字樣的紅紙或國畫紙,原件捲起,也有一字一張,估計是分別為昌華有限公司製作銅字招牌及鑿碑之用。This subseries comprises documents featuring the etiquette, traditions and beliefs of the Ma family such as fortune-telling reports, genealogy, marriage papers, sketched plan of graveyard and many others. There are records of the family’s lawsuit case and clan disputes in Ma’s native town in Toi Shan as early as...
1875-1944, undated
私人信件及函件 Letters and correspondence, 1904-1962, undated
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
馬敘朝的私人檔案包括從1904年至1959 年間從中國大陸、北美、英國、東南亞、香港等地的馬氏家庭成員、遠親和朋友寄給馬敘朝的信件,約有900張,當中以1930 年代和1950 年代的數量最多。內容有些是交流營商消息和想法,但更多的是談及在國內或海外生活的艱苦情況,希望得到金錢支援或介紹工作。海外信件還有另一個目的,就是透過馬敘朝匯錢回國給家鄉的親人。在這近900 張信件中,只有大約10%找到相連信封。不過,檔案中另有約500個已開的信封,大多數信封的背面都寫有寄信人的姓名、支票號碼、支票金額等,相信是收信人拆閱後寫下,作為記入銀信數簿的依據。資料中另有兩批書信,較大的一批約有 400 多張,是寄給馬敘朝的弟弟馬敘韜的信。信件內容與上述寄給馬敘朝的類同。這些信件中,大約 12% 有相連的信封,另有188 個已開的信封。較小的一批約有 100 張,是寄給馬敘朝其他家族成員的,主要從中國大陸寄來。Ma’s personal archive consists of a large quantity of some 900 letters...
1904-1962, undated