Box 華商 Oversize5
Contains 8 Results:
帳簿、分類帳簿、帳戶報表、進支紀錄 Account books, ledgers, account statements, income and expenses log books, 1900-1961, undated
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
商務檔案中的來往數簿、分類賬簿、進支簿、盈虧結算表、花紅佣金數列等,是馬敘朝擔任公司董事、經理或股東時的商業文檔。這些公司包括公有源綢緞莊、昌華有限公司、大華銀業有限公司、公裕銀號、康年儲蓄銀行、康年人壽保險有限公司、上海聯保水火有限公司、四邑輪船公司和新寧鐵路公司等。Business documents include transaction books, ledgers, income and expenses log books, profit and loss statements, bonus and commission etc. of the business companies of which Ma Tsui Chiu was either the director, manager or, to say the least, a shareholder. These companies include Kung Yau Yuen Silk Piece Store, Cheong Wah Company Limited, Dai Wah...
1900-1961, undated
各客收匯存銀收息紀錄及銀行/銀號匯兌收據, 1902-1959, undated
File — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
在馬敘朝的商務資料中有五冊《各客銀信來往存據部》,清楚及有系統地記錄了1902年至1939年間僑居海外的馬氏親友透過馬敘朝匯錢回台山家鄉的資料。這些資料可從多年來不時寄給馬敘朝的信件、海外支票紀錄,或匯款收條等相互印證。相關的貨幣找換及匯兌單也保存在資料中。此外,馬敘朝也為匯款人提供存款服務,匯款人或會要求將部分匯款交馬敘朝作存款收息,或將來有需要時由馬敘朝代購中國物品之用,檔案保存了各客的存款利息收據。Among the business materials there are 5 volumes of remittance books bound by years between 1902 and 1939. They record the transactions of money sent from relatives and friends overseas to their individual families in Toi Shan through Ma Tsui Chiu to effect timely delivery of the...
1902-1959, undated
Found in:
HKUL Special Collections
2022-004, 香港華商特藏 Hong Kong Chinese Merchants Collection
馬敘朝 Ma Tsui Chiu
商務檔案 Business documents
銀行來往記錄:銀行結單、信件、按揭及揭息文件、往來存據簿、匯款紀錄、收據 Bank correspondence: bank statements, bank letters, mortgage correspondence, interest receipts; remittance books/records, receipts
股票買賣轉讓,股東紀錄 Share registry and shareholders' records, 1917-1960
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
這部份收錄了1917年至1960年間馬敘朝參與股票活動的各類文檔包括股票買賣及轉讓文件、股票存根、股銀收條、股份簿、股息證明書、股息收據及與股票有關的信件和通知等。This subseries contains documents showing the stock activities Ma Tsui Chiu participated in including stock trading and transfer document, shares registry, shares payment receipt, shareholder records, certificate of dividend, dividend receipt and stock-related correspondence and notice covering the period 1917-1960.
物業/田地買賣租賃紀錄、契約、租項簿、稅項及其他繳費收據 Property accounts records, contracts/agreements, rent books, lease records, tax and fee receipts, 1917-1961, undated
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
在馬敘朝商務檔案中,物業資料佔了相當大的比例。馬敘朝擁有不少土地和物業,分佈港九,主要作住宅或商舖租賃用途。當中有五大冊裝訂租項簿,詳細記錄了1920年至1924年以及1933年至1940年間租戶的姓名、租金和差餉、地稅、燕梳費等資料。檔案亦保存了一批自1920年代至1940年代間物業的買賣契據、租約和進支數列,除本港物業外,其在家鄉台山和廣州的物業和耕地的買賣租賃文件,亦收藏在這部份檔案中。此外,檔案亦包含1918年至1960年間大量繳費單和收據,包括物業稅、利得稅、地稅、差餉、清糞費等稅項,以及電費、水費、煤氣費、電話費、等公用服務的單據,按類別和時序排列。 Rent books make up a considerable portion in the business materials of Ma Tsui Chiu Collection. Ma owned lands and properties at various locations mostly on Hong Kong Island with some in...
1917-1961, undated
合約及協議文件、政府批文及證書、保險單、借據、公債 Contracts and agreements, government approvals and certificates, insurance policies, money lending slips, bonds etc., 1924-1959, undated
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
這部份的商務檔案包含1924年至1959年間的合約及協議文件、政府批文和證書、保險單、借據及還款收據、官方往來信件等。當中有馬敘朝就粵漢鐵路竣工後代表公債持有人呈請國民政府早日公佈公債償還日期的文件副本 (1934-1938),反映了馬敘朝在當時政商界的影響力。This part of business documents includes contract and agreement, government approvals and certificates, insurance policies, money lending and repayment slips, official correspondence etc. covering a period from 1924 to 1959. Among the materials are record copies of papers initiated by Ma Tsui Chiu on behalf of bond holders submitted to high level...
1924-1959, undated
聘書,會員證 Appointment certificates, membership card, 1949-1958
Sub-Series — Box: 華商 Oversize5
Scope and Contents
馬敘朝不僅是一位成功的商人,也是熱心公益、活躍社團的領袖人物。檔案保存了他參與多個商業組織、社團及慈善機構的文件包括香港中華總商會、四邑商工總會、五邑工商總會、台山商會、中區街坊福利會、東華三院、保良局等,當中有馬敘朝獲聘為這些機構的董事或顧問等的證書,如擔任中華總商會會董 (1953)、四邑商工總會常務監事、監事及顧問 (1952、1954、1958)、台山商會顧問 (1952、 1954、1958)、五邑工商總會名譽顧問 (1957) 、香港孔聖堂名譽顧問 (1950) 等,還有其他資料如會員證、信件等。Besides being a successful merchant, Ma Tsui Chiu was an active and committed community leader. This series contains documents reflecting his involvements with various commercial associations, community and charitable...
家族文件、訴訟文件、禮俗 Family documents, disputes documents, family etiquette, 1875-1944, undated
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
馬敘朝私人檔案中有算命書、先祖生卒資料冊、馬敘朝家譜、嫁娶婚書、迎親帖、墓穴圖則等與禮俗、傳統和信仰相關的文檔,也包括馬氏族人在家鄉台山一些訟案文件 (1904,1905)。此外,檔案中有27張用墨書寫昌華有限公司、昌華置業按揭有限公司以及墓旁石碑字樣的紅紙或國畫紙,原件捲起,也有一字一張,估計是分別為昌華有限公司製作銅字招牌及鑿碑之用。This subseries comprises documents featuring the etiquette, traditions and beliefs of the Ma family such as fortune-telling reports, genealogy, marriage papers, sketched plan of graveyard and many others. There are records of the family’s lawsuit case and clan disputes in Ma’s native town in Toi Shan as early as...
1875-1944, undated
私人信件及函件 Letters and correspondence, 1904-1962, undated
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
馬敘朝的私人檔案包括從1904年至1959 年間從中國大陸、北美、英國、東南亞、香港等地的馬氏家庭成員、遠親和朋友寄給馬敘朝的信件,約有900張,當中以1930 年代和1950 年代的數量最多。內容有些是交流營商消息和想法,但更多的是談及在國內或海外生活的艱苦情況,希望得到金錢支援或介紹工作。海外信件還有另一個目的,就是透過馬敘朝匯錢回國給家鄉的親人。在這近900 張信件中,只有大約10%找到相連信封。不過,檔案中另有約500個已開的信封,大多數信封的背面都寫有寄信人的姓名、支票號碼、支票金額等,相信是收信人拆閱後寫下,作為記入銀信數簿的依據。資料中另有兩批書信,較大的一批約有 400 多張,是寄給馬敘朝的弟弟馬敘韜的信。信件內容與上述寄給馬敘朝的類同。這些信件中,大約 12% 有相連的信封,另有188 個已開的信封。較小的一批約有 100 張,是寄給馬敘朝其他家族成員的,主要從中國大陸寄來。Ma’s personal archive consists of a large quantity of some 900 letters...
1904-1962, undated