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合約及協議文件、政府批文及證書、保險單、借據、公債 Contracts and agreements, government approvals and certificates, insurance policies, money lending slips, bonds etc., 1924-1959, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers

Scope and Contents

這部份的商務檔案包含1924年至1959年間的合約及協議文件、政府批文和證書、保險單、借據及還款收據、官方往來信件等。當中有馬敘朝就粵漢鐵路竣工後代表公債持有人呈請國民政府早日公佈公債償還日期的文件副本 (1934-1938),反映了馬敘朝在當時政商界的影響力。

This part of business documents includes contract and agreement, government approvals and certificates, insurance policies, money lending and repayment slips, official correspondence etc. covering a period from 1924 to 1959. Among the materials are record copies of papers initiated by Ma Tsui Chiu on behalf of bond holders submitted to high level officials of the Chinese national government regarding bond repayment date with the completion of the Canton–Hankow Railway (1934-1938). This shows the influential position Ma Tsui Chiu held in the political and business circles at the time.

Box no. Folder no. Item
6 11 馬敘朝保險單及收據 (1924,1934)
6 11 昌華公司 (馬敍韜代) 與承建商就廣州市日東路61號工程簽立合約連章則
6 11 粵路公債票來往文件記錄部 (1934,1935)
6 11 馬敘朝呈廣韶局局長有關粵漢鐵路公債還本日期 (1934)
6 11 馬敘朝呈鐵道部有關粵漢鐵路公債 (稿) (1934)
6 11 粵路公債基金保管委員會通告 (1935)
6 11 鐵道部收回粵路公債基金保管委員會致馬敘朝信 (1936,1938)
6 11 粵漢鐵路公債票壹佰元號碼 (年份不詳)
6 12 馬敘朝就必列者士街7號地庫用途與政府部門之來往信件 (1937,1938)
6 12 還借款收據 (1938,1942,1948-1950,1953-1959)
6 12 致馬敘朝借據 (1940,1941, 1945,年份不詳)
6 12 香港台山建設協會總務組用款手續 (1941)
Oversize 5 6.2 香港占領地總督部簽發馬敘韜/馬建基營業地契約證明及契約書 (1943)
Oversize 5 6.3 香港占領地總督部簽發馬敘韜營業許可證,附中明治通 (即皇后大道中) 249號平面圖 (1944)
6 12 新寧鐵路公司司庫馬敘銓保證金紀錄 (1950)
6 12 昌華有限公司水火險保單及收據 (1951,1952)
6 12 公有源水火險保單及收據 (1953-1955)
6 12 廣州市政府土地重劃領地証明書 (承領人:馬聯芳;馬敘) (年份不詳)


  • 1924-1959, undated


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese


From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet