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銀行往來信件、入數簿、支票簿、匯款及各類存據 Correspondence with banks, pay-in book, cheque book, remittance receipts , 1932-1941, undated

 File — Box: 怡興隆1

Scope and Contents

銀行及銀號往來文件包括銀行各類通知書 (1934-1941)、銀行入數存底簿及存根 (1933,1934,1941)、支票存根(1934、1935) 、銀號匯款收據(1932-1941) 、收匯款人收據 (1932-1941)等。

Contained in this subseries are correspondence with bank and money exchange shops including notification letters from banks (1934-1941), pay-in slips (1933-1941), cheque counterfoils (1934, 1935) and remittance receipts (1932-1941).

Box no. Folder no. Item
1 6 東亞銀行匯來貨銀通知信 (1934-1936,1938-1941)
1 6 東亞銀行退還入數支票通知單 (1934)
1 7 東亞銀行贖隨貨單銀通知書 (1939-1941)
1 7 東亞銀行入數存底簿/存根 (1933,1934,1941)
1 7 鹽業銀行入數存底簿/存根 (1933,1934)
1 7 怡興隆支票存根 (1934,1935)
1 7 匯豐銀行入貨銀收據 (1940)
1 7 銀號匯款收據 (1938-1941,年份不詳)
1 7 收匯款人收據 (1932-1936,1938-1941)


  • 1932-1941, undated

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Majority in Chinese, some materials in English and Japanese


From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Repository Details

Part of the HKUL Special Collections Repository
