Box 馬敘朝5
Contains 2 Results:
股票買賣轉讓,股東紀錄 Share registry and shareholders' records, 1917-1960
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
這部份收錄了1917年至1960年間馬敘朝參與股票活動的各類文檔包括股票買賣及轉讓文件、股票存根、股銀收條、股份簿、股息證明書、股息收據及與股票有關的信件和通知等。This subseries contains documents showing the stock activities Ma Tsui Chiu participated in including stock trading and transfer document, shares registry, shares payment receipt, shareholder records, certificate of dividend, dividend receipt and stock-related correspondence and notice covering the period 1917-1960.
物業/田地買賣租賃紀錄、契約、租項簿、稅項及其他繳費收據 Property accounts records, contracts/agreements, rent books, lease records, tax and fee receipts, 1917-1961, undated
Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents
在馬敘朝商務檔案中,物業資料佔了相當大的比例。馬敘朝擁有不少土地和物業,分佈港九,主要作住宅或商舖租賃用途。當中有五大冊裝訂租項簿,詳細記錄了1920年至1924年以及1933年至1940年間租戶的姓名、租金和差餉、地稅、燕梳費等資料。檔案亦保存了一批自1920年代至1940年代間物業的買賣契據、租約和進支數列,除本港物業外,其在家鄉台山和廣州的物業和耕地的買賣租賃文件,亦收藏在這部份檔案中。此外,檔案亦包含1918年至1960年間大量繳費單和收據,包括物業稅、利得稅、地稅、差餉、清糞費等稅項,以及電費、水費、煤氣費、電話費、等公用服務的單據,按類別和時序排列。 Rent books make up a considerable portion in the business materials of Ma Tsui Chiu Collection. Ma owned lands and properties at various locations mostly on Hong Kong Island with some in...
1917-1961, undated