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Box 馬敘朝4


Contains 6 Results:

帳簿、分類帳簿、帳戶報表、進支紀錄 Account books, ledgers, account statements, income and expenses log books, 1900-1961, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 商務檔案中的來往數簿、分類賬簿、進支簿、盈虧結算表、花紅佣金數列等,是馬敘朝擔任公司董事、經理或股東時的商業文檔。這些公司包括公有源綢緞莊、昌華有限公司、大華銀業有限公司、公裕銀號、康年儲蓄銀行、康年人壽保險有限公司、上海聯保水火有限公司、四邑輪船公司和新寧鐵路公司等。Business documents include transaction books, ledgers, income and expenses log books, profit and loss statements, bonus and commission etc. of the business companies of which Ma Tsui Chiu was either the director, manager or, to say the least, a shareholder. These companies include Kung Yau Yuen Silk Piece Store, Cheong Wah Company Limited, Dai Wah...
Dates: 1900-1961, undated

各客收匯存銀收息紀錄及銀行/銀號匯兌收據, 1902-1959, undated

 File — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 在馬敘朝的商務資料中有五冊《各客銀信來往存據部》,清楚及有系統地記錄了1902年至1939年間僑居海外的馬氏親友透過馬敘朝匯錢回台山家鄉的資料。這些資料可從多年來不時寄給馬敘朝的信件、海外支票紀錄,或匯款收條等相互印證。相關的貨幣找換及匯兌單也保存在資料中。此外,馬敘朝也為匯款人提供存款服務,匯款人或會要求將部分匯款交馬敘朝作存款收息,或將來有需要時由馬敘朝代購中國物品之用,檔案保存了各客的存款利息收據。Among the business materials there are 5 volumes of remittance books bound by years between 1902 and 1939. They record the transactions of money sent from relatives and friends overseas to their individual families in Toi Shan through Ma Tsui Chiu to effect timely delivery of the...
Dates: 1902-1959, undated

按揭文件, 1917-1936

 File — Box: 馬敘朝4
Scope and Contents 按揭文件記錄了1917年至1936年間銀行與馬敘朝有關按揭的來往信件,包括還息、還佣通知單、揭項利率通知、按揭息銀收據、還款期屆通知書等。Contained in this subseries are correspondence between local banks and Ma Tsui Chiu regarding mortgage loan, interests and mortgage repayment in the period 1917 -1936. ...
Dates: 1917-1936

銀行/銀號存款帳部/帳單, 1920-1953

 File — Box: 馬敘朝4
Scope and Contents 這部份收錄了1920年至1953年間馬敘朝與本港銀行的往來文件,包括銀行來往簿、銀行結單、存款單、負債賬目、借還本息單等。Included in this subseries is the correspondence between Ma Tsui Chiu and local banks such as money transaction book, bank statements, pay-in slips, overdrawn account, loan and repayment statement etc. between 1920 and 1953. ...
Dates: 1920-1953

股票買賣轉讓,股東紀錄 Share registry and shareholders' records, 1917-1960

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 這部份收錄了1917年至1960年間馬敘朝參與股票活動的各類文檔包括股票買賣及轉讓文件、股票存根、股銀收條、股份簿、股息證明書、股息收據及與股票有關的信件和通知等。This subseries contains documents showing the stock activities Ma Tsui Chiu participated in including stock trading and transfer document, shares registry, shares payment receipt, shareholder records, certificate of dividend, dividend receipt and stock-related correspondence and notice covering the period 1917-1960. ...
Dates: 1917-1960

銀行信件, 1931-1960

 File — Box: 馬敘朝4
Scope and Contents 資料包含1931年至1960年間本港銀行致馬敘朝的信件,內容涉及物業地契、透支帳項、房貸解除、利率調整通知、保險續期通知、約晤通知等。Included in this subseries are letters from local banks to Ma Tsui Chiu between 1931 and 1960 on various issues like property deeds, overdraft account, mortgage discharge, interest rate adjustment notice, insurance renewal, appointment notice, etc. ...
Dates: 1931-1960