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家族及張氏私人文件 ( 家譜、 囑書、契據、証件、田房買賣、租稅、借項、雜項帳目紀錄等) Family and private documents (geneology, will, contract, certificate, buying and selling of cropland and houses, rent, tax, money-lending record, etc.), 1846-1941, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers

Scope and Contents


Documents in this sub-series include a variety of contractual papers such as those on the buying and selling of houses and cropland, purchase of a family graveyard, purchase of a maid as a concubine, family account books, rent books, tax receipts, donation book, money-lending record, year-end account statement, birth certificates of his son and daughter, etc. in the period 1846-1941. Also included herein is the Cheung family’s geneology, Cheung Tsun Lam’s will and a copy of an oral account of Cheung Tsun Lam’s life by his son and put down in writing by his grandson.

Box no. Folder no. Item
4 5 上環117號舖買賣契據 (1846,1952,1953)
4 5 各田契稿 (1858,1860,1869,1897-1909)
4 5 影契(1869,1897-1901,1909,1913,1922,1932,1936)
4 6 張業良親友借項會項部 (光緒廿一至光緒卅一年) (1895-1905)
4 6 張志業堂各堂銀會年月期、土名田畝正稅部 (光緒廿一年至民國壬戌年) (1895-1922)
4 6 張志業堂各堂田畝稅契、親友借項、各號沽本股份、付揭銀両部 (光緒廿一年至民國庚午年) (1895-1930)
4 6 借據 (1902,1910,1914,1915,1917,1934,1936,1937,1939,年份不詳)
4 6 備用厘印紙,信封 (光緒卅一年),便條,包裝紙
4 7 張業良嫁女擇日吉帖 (按 :甲辰年;三女兒張勝群) (1904)
4 7 張志業堂股份、燕梳、各號來付項及按揭帳目紀錄 (1906,1916,1921,1923,1926-1932)
4 7 張志業堂買田契據手稿 (1910)
Oversize 1 1.2 張進霖買婢為妾身價單 (1912)
4 7 南海大範西北房賑災捐項部 (1916)
4 7 張志業堂各田畝租部 (1916,年份不詳)
4 7 張志業堂銀會、租項存支紀錄 (1917)
Oversize 1 1.3 張業良子張新妹、張十仔出世紙 (1917,1929);出生報冊文件手稿
4 8 深水埗新建舖12間各客分佔位置及價格 (1918,1919)
4 8 張志業堂香港各灣舖業置本租務部 (1918-1928)
4 9 各田畝租項/稅項紀錄 (1933)
4 9 張志業堂年結部 (各號揭項/租務/股份進支存欠) (1934-1938)
4 9 張志業堂親友揭項及借項紀錄部 (1934-1941)
Oversize 1 1.4 張志業堂買壽基一穴契據 (1936)
4 9 南海縣政府簽發田土過戶通知書、割稅通知書、土地買賣過戶費收據、 繳納地稅通知書、繳交地稅收據 (1937)
4 9 華興號租用上海街383號補發租單憑據 (1940)
4 10-11 張志業堂租務進支部 (1941) ; 張志業堂租務進支部 (1941) 全冊複印本
4 12 物業租部 (年份不詳)
4 13 南海張氏家譜 (複印本) (年份不詳)
4 13 張志業堂家部 (複印本) (年份不詳)
Oversize 1 1.2 張業良囑書 (年份不詳) (按 : 張業良1933年卒)
4 14 張業良囑書部份內容手稿 (年份不詳)
4 14 張進霖生平及創業畧誌 (八子張秉彝口述、孫熾明筆錄) (年份不詳)
4 14 西約建築村面捐薪一月部 (年份不詳)


  • 1846-1941, undated



From the Collection: 282 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Series: Chinese