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Box 張進記4


Contains 6 Results:

股東文件 Shareholder documents, 1920-1959, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 檔案保存了張進霖本人及張志業堂所擁有的大量股東文件,包括自1920至1959年間共15家公司的股東合約、招股簡章、年報、股票、股息摺、信件、通告等。資料依公司名稱(如西安押、公益火柴廠、百福堂、南京織造有限公司、南華宴梳有限公司、馬寶山糖菓餅乾公司、張超記食品號等)及年份順序排列。The Cheung Tsun Lam archive consists of a large quantity of shareholder documents owned by Cheung Tsun Lam himself as well as his ancestral hall. There are shareholder agreement, annual report, share certificate, dividend record book, correspondence, notices, etc. of a total of 15 companies from 1920 up to 1959. Materials are arranged...
Dates: 1920-1959, undated

家族及張氏私人文件 ( 家譜、 囑書、契據、証件、田房買賣、租稅、借項、雜項帳目紀錄等) Family and private documents (geneology, will, contract, certificate, buying and selling of cropland and houses, rent, tax, money-lending record, etc.), 1846-1941, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 這部份收錄了1846年至1941年間的文檔,包括各類契約文件諸如買賣田房契據、買壽基契據、買婢為妾身價單等,此外還有家族賬簿、物業及田畝租簿、稅項紀錄、賑災捐項簿、借據、年結冊、子女出世紙等。檔案亦保存了張氏家譜、張進霖囑書,以及張進霖兒子口述、孫兒筆錄的張進霖生平及創業事蹟。Documents in this sub-series include a variety of contractual papers such as those on the buying and selling of houses and cropland, purchase of a family graveyard, purchase of a maid as a concubine, family account books, rent books, tax receipts, donation book, money-lending record, year-end account statement, birth certificates of his son...
Dates: 1846-1941, undated

收據 Receipts, 1911-1940

 File — Box: 張進記4
Scope and Contents 這部份包括1911-1913 年及 1930 年代的收據共32 張,主要源自捐款,例如家鄉南海縣政府預借調查田畝經費收據、團房局捐銀收條、認捐軍餉收據、南海二三區免費中學捐銀收條等,並有個人消費收據。Kept in this subseries are a total of 32 receipts of 1911―1913 and the 1930s in regard to Cheung Tsun Lam’s donations to the county government, the village defence force, for a free school in his hometown in Nanhai, China as well as of personal spending. ...
Dates: 1911-1940

信件 Letters, 1932-1944, undated

 File — Box: 張進記4
Scope and Contents 這部份收錄了 73張私人信件,附29個信封,主要是 1930 年代和 1940 年代的信件。There are in this subseries a total of 73 private letters among which 29 have envelops mainly written in the 1930s and 1940s. Box...
Dates: 1932-1944, undated

證件、相片 Travel documents and photographs, 1940, undated

 Sub-Series — Box: 張進記4
Scope and Contents 本部份收錄了張進霖的兒子張永泉和張銓津於1940年入境日本時的旅行證件和疫苗接種證明書。此外有7張照片,當中五張是張永泉1940 年在日本神戶拍攝的,另有張進霖全家照(年份不詳)及張進記在蘇杭街的店舖照片(日期不詳) 各一張。This subseries consists of the travel documents and vaccination certificates of Cheung Tsun Lam’s two sons, Cheung Wing Chuen and Cheung Chuen Tsun to enter Japan in 1940. Also there are 7 photos including five taken during Cheung Wing Chuen’s business tour in Kobe, Japan (1940), a family photo of Cheung Tsun Lam (date unknown) and a picture of Cheung Tsun Kee at...
Dates: 1940, undated

雜項 Miscellaneous

 Sub-Series — Box: 張進記4
Scope and Contents 雜項包含遺產稅稅率表一張 (年份不詳)。Contained in this sub-series is a copy of an estate tax rate table (date unknown). Box no. Folder no. ...
Dates: 1846-1959, undated