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Box 華商 Oversize1


Contains 3 Results:

財務紀錄 (總年結部、逐日進支部、現貨庫存部、銀行/銀號往來結單等) Financial record (year-end account books, income and expenditure log books, stock inventory, bank statements, etc.), 1912-1942, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 這部份包括 12 本張進記魚絲莊的總年結冊 (1912-1923)、22 本逐日進支簿 (繩裝)及 40 張存支數列 (1924-1942,年份不詳)、四本存魚絲簿 (1932,1938)、約100張銀號往來結單及匯款回單 (1938-1940,年份不詳)及一冊附寄各埠代沽簿(年份不詳)等。This sub-series comprises 12 year-end account books (1912-1923), 22 income and expenditure log books (string bound) plus 40 loose sheets (1924-1942, undated), 4 inventory books (1932, 1938), some 100 bank statements and remittance slips (1938-1940, undated), an account book of goods shipped to consignors (undated) etc. of Cheung Tsun...
Dates: 1912-1942, undated

家族及張氏私人文件 ( 家譜、 囑書、契據、証件、田房買賣、租稅、借項、雜項帳目紀錄等) Family and private documents (geneology, will, contract, certificate, buying and selling of cropland and houses, rent, tax, money-lending record, etc.), 1846-1941, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 這部份收錄了1846年至1941年間的文檔,包括各類契約文件諸如買賣田房契據、買壽基契據、買婢為妾身價單等,此外還有家族賬簿、物業及田畝租簿、稅項紀錄、賑災捐項簿、借據、年結冊、子女出世紙等。檔案亦保存了張氏家譜、張進霖囑書,以及張進霖兒子口述、孫兒筆錄的張進霖生平及創業事蹟。Documents in this sub-series include a variety of contractual papers such as those on the buying and selling of houses and cropland, purchase of a family graveyard, purchase of a maid as a concubine, family account books, rent books, tax receipts, donation book, money-lending record, year-end account statement, birth certificates of his son...
Dates: 1846-1941, undated

信件、電報 Letters and telegrams , 1933-1944, undated

 Sub-Series — Multiple Containers
Scope and Contents 商業函件中有近1,450張信件和108張電報,主要是1930年代和1940年代初永成糖局港庄與天津庄代理人之間的通信,當中一小部分約70張是來自家庭成員的私人信件。This sub-series contains a large quantity of business letters amounting to about 1,450 sheets and 108 telegrams mainly sent between the agent representatives of the Hong Kong store and Tientsin store in the periods of the 1930s and early 1940s. A small portion, around 70 sheets, are personal letters from family members. ...
Dates: 1933-1944, undated